On Real Life is a promotional film about compliance and self-imposed protective limitations of acknowledgement of global issues, and acquiring information about consequence. To try and reflect a new style of 'light-touch' un-grounded navigation of engagement and action which seeks to improve but not become involved, due to a climate fatigued by division. There are no real anchors, no solid points of agreement, no weighty common goals apart from to get more sleep and find ways to accept the cost of that.
A range of T-shirts will be launched simultaneously to the campaign going live on THE99.co.uk containing slogans from the film manufactured by spreadshirt.com. They are untested or quality checked.
THE99.co.uk is a platform and shop set up by Chris Kilmartin to operate amongst the coordinates of branding, advertising, art and social media to create online performances which aim to align under a common ground of confusion.